Tracing arcade game sideart to make stencils

Today at Rich at posted a blog entry about how to trace an arcade cabinet with some vellum and then take that tracing to final vector artwork. He goes through the whole process and has even suggested that he would send vellum to interested collectors so that more pieces of artwork can be reproduced.

It’s possible to not ‘scan’ an arcade cabinet

That is always a hindrance in getting some of this artwork reproduced. But with Rich offering to send vellum to collectors who want to take on a trace, he steps you through the reasons why this is just as good as a scan, the most important reason being that it saves a ton of time.

Tracing Scramble Artwork Drawing in Coreldraw

The Scramble sideart stencils are now available at If you are interested in doing some vellum tracing, contact Rich at his website or drop me a line here in the comments section or using my contact form.

Here are some similar arcade posts

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where could I find pac man stencils? would you know anyone or anyplace. thanks

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