Food Fight Chef on Kickplate finished

Vector Artwork of Food Fight White Hat Chef
Today I finished another piece of the Food Fight Kickplate vector artwork, tracing the white chef near the upper left corner of the kickplate. The vector artwork was simple, and a breeze to do. I think the next piece will probably be right top corner with the other watermelon slices, since I traced one slice already on the kickplate lower left corner.

I know this particular section of Food Fight artwork looks weird, but the chef is the only full piece I had. The photo had pieces of other fruits and vegetables, but nothing in full, including a pie. I will probably need a close up photo of just those artwork items.

Got photos of Circus Charlie Sideart

After about two months of follow up with a collector that had full sideart, late last week I got a series of decent photos that I can eventually use (when I clear my plate) to vectorize the sideart.

So, I took the time to vectorize the lettering, which was time consuming enough. Hope to have more to add to this section about Centuri / Konami’s Circus Charlie vector sideart soon.

Tetris PCB has arrived

I won the Tetris arcade PCB over a week ago off ebay, so after having to wait to transfer paypal payment to my account (why does that take so stinking long?), I paid for it and it was waiting for me at home on my doorstep today.

It said JAMMA in the auction, and that it worked. I don’t see “JAMMA” by the edge connector, but maybe that isn’t on every board. Either way, hope to try it out this weekend when Paul comes over to help me finally saw that board and soon after, mount the monitor.

Jr. Pac-man has arrived

It finally came on Thursday, as smoothly as planned. The truck came, they dropped off the game wrapped up tightly and well protected, they took some photos of my “gameroom” which was a small disarrayed mess, and they headed out. They didn’t want a drink, food or anything.

I will try to post some photos of it, it’s still sitting in the garage as I wait to have a little more space hopefully after Tuesday. I haven’t figured out how to hook up the monitor just yet either, but I am sure that won’t be too hard.

Jr. Pac-man arriving tomorrow!

I knew when the truck left Pittsburgh a couple of days ago that my time had finally come, but I just wasn’t sure when.

I got ahold of Troy yesterday, and he said he was in Columbus, and thought he would be my way in the next couple of days. It sounded like he had to swing down to Cincinnati first, and since Mudmantim wasn’t going to be free until the weekend, would stop by my place next.

Well, he called tonight and said that he should be at my place by around noon or 1. I am really pumped, the timing is just about perfect. I have the day off tomorrow, and in the next couple of days I should be moving out two more games, so I should have the room to move things around and rearrange them as needed.