Archive for November, 2004

The Desperate Housewives

Rotheblog Entertainment Housewives

Now, to contrast The Simpsons, The Desperate Housewives is a whole different monster.

I will admit that I checked this show out on a recommendation from a friend because of all of the attractive women. But to tell you the truth, I didn’t think that any of them were all “that” and the show was so freakin stupid, I understand why the American public likes a show like this.

I don’t know exactly what the basic premise of the show is other then exactly what the title says. It is four women who are either married, separated, or single and their escapades in landing men from the same pool around the block.

I used to have a real thing for Teri Hatcher as Lois Lane on Superman, but that was a long time ago. I could hardly look past the stupid narration that carries over throughout the show, a “inside” look of sorts into what each of the women is thinking. Duh. It needs narration to explain the plot as much as 90210 or Melrose Place did.

Here is my suggestion judging from the cross section of popular shows right now. Maybe throw in a gay home decorator that likes to hug people to play the devil’s advocate for one of the women and keeps the house on the side. Maybe make some of the women eat hagus with dead flies wrapped in a skin casing as a contest to win one of the men. Or, change one of the girls into a really smart forensics / doctoral type that keeps trying to diagnosis the other characters, or wanders aimlessly through the plots investigating animals murders.

But it is a successful show, and probably be for the standard smut show lifetime of 4-6 years, so until then, everyone will have to deal.

The season premiere of the Simpsons on Fox.

Rotheblog Entertainment Simpsons

Last week the historic 16th season of the Simpsons kicked off with the Treehouse of Horror. Always known to be a little offbeat, and really out of context with the rest of the Simpsons world, the Treehouse of Horror’s are hardly my favorite.

There were some lines from the preview that were really funny like when Homer is roasting in a pan waiting for the aliens to eat him. Bart says, “Am I the only one in pain here?” and Homer replies as he takes another bite out of his own arm, “Noooo, but your the only one who won’t shut up about it.”

Tonight is the season premiere, and contrary to my mother’s early childhood wishes, I am going to sit down and watch it. I can still remember talking to my parents about the Simpsons when it came out so long ago. We were taking a walk with the dog, and I was telling her about how one of my friends got to watch the show, and how they said swear words in the show. At the time that was really shocking, and my parents being the conservatives that they are, of course said “No Way Hose!” (With some good reason).

But Simpsons has stood the test of time and has set the bar for tongue in cheek humor. For those of you out there that don’t like the show, it is either because you are too conservative to allow that part of your to admit that it is a funny show and it has proven itself 16 seasons over, or, you think Chevy Chase is funny and well, that is a whole different brand of humor. You can laugh as Chevy gets into another precarious situation with a Christmas tree or his peculiar brother, and I will instead watch a tv show that will be remembered much longer.

More images of our new home

You requested it, and you get it, more photos from our new home. Our closing date is in a couple of months, and even though we are excited and freaked out all at once, we know that the time will fly until that point.

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Man on Fire (2004)

Rothe Blog Man FireThree and a Half Stars

Denzel Washington is a tortured soul, and ex Marine with a drinking problem. Isn’t that how every one of his movies starts out now? No reason to live, down on his luck, with some sort of drug problem? But I knew that going in, and I rented it anyway.

Denzel is the bodyguard of a little girl for an American Woman and her Spanish husband in Mexico City, the child kidnapping center USA. He resists at first, but soon falls in love with the little girl just in time to have her kidnapped. Shot four times, he still comes back in Denzel style, bleeding but so dang thick, you can’t stop that big ol bear.

He then hunts down and tortures one by one each member that was involved in the kidnapping to end it once and for all. Pretty straightforward and brutal, but that dark part of me loves that revenge. These scum bags kidnapped a little girl, what would you do? It leads him to quite a chain of corruption that ends up back in the family but in the end the girl gets saved, and Denzel dies, fulfilled in life.

Feeling like violence, and vengeance, with quite the stylizing cinematics, check this out. Not for the faint of heart, one guy gets his finger chopped off.

Me and my super syrup

Rothe Blog Photo Diary Syrup

Sarah’s last trip to the store held a surprise for me. Now, anyone who knows me worth a lick, knows that if there was more protein and less fat in breakfast foods, that is all I would eat. Donuts, cereal, pancakes, waffles, omelets, shoes with syrup, anything! It’s 8:00 am and it has syrup on it, I will eat it.

She came in and told me to come out to the car for my surprise. And here it is, a non flattering picture of me with my Butterworth’s syrup. Consider yourself 10% dumber.

An image of my dual monitor setup!

Rothe Blog Photo Diary Dual Monitors

I know that this doesn’t excite too many people, but it is exciting for me, and it is my blog,…and it was a real hassle when it came down to it. (I ended up having to get a new hard drive soon after.)

I have been doing a good deal of freelance lately, and as a result I decided that I would treat myself to some upgraded equipment. I wrote a month or so ago that I got the monitor for $20 bucks, I then bought a Gigabyte video card, 256 MB with the NVidia chipset.

It has taken some adjustment that is for sure, but I haven’t had a chance to do too much Photoshop work since I got it, which is one of the two big programs I got it for. But I have used it for Flash, and to be able to get all of my animation palettes off to one monitor and have more room to work is so nice.

The possible home in our future

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The difference a day can make. Not to mention, sometimes it is all about timing.

Today we got out and went house hunting, and the second house we walked into, Immediately I knew that it would be a possibility. But as we looked around more this we figured could be our dream house. Tonight we are drafting up an offer on it, and I just pray that it goes through. But you know what they say, “Better to have loved then lost, then to not have loved…a house…without copper piping?” You get the point. If we don’t get it, then Ce La Vi.

But we have heard that the owner is looking for a larger home a little more south, and isn’t ready to move out just yet, so maybe with our plans to move-in in January this is God’s will for us to be in this house.

The house has 2600 sq. feet, almost an acre of land, great location down by Greenwood with the theaters and mall and everything. It will come with all of the appliances, is new, built in ’92 and is in move in condition. As you can see from the photos, it has big spacious rooms, and an almost “jacuzzi” bathtub in the master bedroom.

I am so excited, I can’t concentrate on my other work right now, hence this entry. We’ll keep everyone updated.