Archive for August, 2007

Updates on Mr. Do! leads

I finally heard back from Mark Deroller, and after a lot of searching through years of past emails, he can’t find contact information for the people that bought his Mr. Do! over five years ago. So as of right now, I consider that white Mr. Do! lead dead. I am back to looking through links of arcade collectors sites, hoping to find a collector who has a website with photos of this Mr. Do! that hasn’t made a predominant profile on one of the major coin-op collecting databasing sites.

As for the white Mr. Do! that Rob Carroll auctioned on ebay, the buyer finally came and picked it up. His name is Bruce Kubu, and I have gotten his contact information from Rob. Bruce and I have been in touch, and after a couple of follow ups, he sent me some photos of the remaining Mr. Do! cherries at the top of the curve of the bezel, the last piece I was missing. I hope to trace that before the week is up, and finally finish the white Mr. Do! bezel nearly 5 months after I started piecing it together.

So what is next in finding out more about the rare white Mr. Do! with sideart? I am not sure. Wait for an ebay auction of the machine to pop up? Check with Walt Glassett again to see if he has any leads? Call Universal Games directly to see if I can track down exactly what Gleeb was? I don’t know. I will cross that bridge when I get to it, and I get the motivation.

Mr. Do Illustrated Sideart History

Mr. Do Lettering

Mr. Do is quite a popular, classic game. Play it once and you will be hooked. For that reason, it appears that any original versions of this game are hard to come by. The popularity of the game drove it to have one of the most popular and successful conversion kits ever made and as a result, most of the Mr. Do games you come across and conversions. I have seen a ton of them in the cabinets with the presidential wood siding venire. They have everything, the marquee, the control panel artwork, but they have nothing on the sides, which, for a guy who loves sideart is really disappointing.

Here’s a little other bit about the game’s history. Apparently even what I thought was the original cabinet from Universal, isn’t even true. If this is even true (skeptical) the original Mr. Do had a black joystick, and came from Japan. Most of the common ones were made by Universal in a very similar looking cabinet, but were actually conversions from another game called Lady Bug, and had an orange joystick. Therefore the true-true original Mr. Do’s out there are even that much more scarce. Check out photos below of the most familiar Mr. Do cabinet.

Mr. Do Game Universal Photo 1Mr. Do Game Universal Photo 2

Which brings me to the “White Sideart” version. I found out about this version / artwork in October of 2006. A friend of mine forwarded me an auction on ebay for a Mr. Do with some strange artwork on the side that I had never seen before. I didn’t think much of it, kept an eye on it, but it was about in Mass., so that would be quite a distance for this game.

Now, like I mentioned above, there were some conversion kits out there, possibly for both versions of the game, the white sideart and the regular version that most commonly had the green marquee. Some of the white conversion kits were more thoroughly applied than others, because the kit came with sideart but finding a machine with it applied is difficult. The artwork was printed on white with Mr. Do and his enemies in a maze like pattern with the cakes and fruits from the game. It is pretty different looking but I do like sideart, and in a way, I like this just as much as the original because the original was void of any real artwork other than the red lines on the side of the cabinet.

These are the photos that I have found so far of this cabinet. They are a little more plentiful in photos then they are in finding actual owners. Right now I know of none.

Mr. Do Conversion Sideart SetMr. Do Conversion Bezel 1Mr. Do Conversion Bezel 2Mr. Do Conversion Bezel 3Mr. Do Conversion Control PanelMr. Do Conversion Front 1Mr. Do Conversion Front 2Mr. Do Conversion Sideart Left 1Mr. Do Conversion Sideart Left 2Mr. Do Conversion Sideart Left 3Mr. Do Conversion Sideart Left 4Mr. Do Conversion Marquee 1Mr. Do Conversion Marquee 2Mr. Do Conversion Sideart Right 1Mr. Do Conversion Sideart Right 2Mr. Do Conversion Sideart Right 3

Please Contact Me With Information

If you own, or know anyone who owns one of these, or just know some more of the history of this particular version, I would love to know more. I would look to buy, but that is not the main idea. Most people who have rare, or hard to find games aren’t looking to just sell.

What I am looking for, is someone who would be willing to take some hi-res photos of the different pieces of artwork so that I can trace them in Illustrator and reproduce them for my own machine, and only my own machine.

However, as of this writing in February of 2007, I haven’t found a site that has the art, or anyone who is talking this much about this one piece of artwork. If you know that to not be true, please, drop me a line.

Update: July 2013 I now have photos from inside two different Ladybug machines, machines that have very similar painted illustrated artwork to the white Mr. Do!, that show Universal serial numbers. Check out this post on two different factory Mr. Do!s.

Jr. Pac-man truck update

Well. As I thought, it is taking longer for the truck to get here than planned. In theory I may have had the machine today, but that is fine. I get to keep my money longer and have more time to try to sell the R-Type.

The main reason it is taking longer is the generous and expanded route by DanOfEarth. He is having Troy swoop way south to Atlanta and back up the east coast. My guesses are that he should be up to PA sometime in the first few days of next week. That would put my machine here probably in a week from Saturday or Sunday…maybe:)

I am just worried now, with the expanded route, that something might happen to the machine, or they might run out of room. That would be even worse.

Christine posts finished

I got all of the rest of the articles Christine wrote transferred over, as well as a couple of the arcade sections like R-Type and Pengo and the whole A Movies section. I haven’t looked at what the movies are going to take just yet…I don’t understand why WordPress doesn’t allow <div> tags, but I need to figure it out for this section for sure.

“The Mulling It Over” page links are all linked up, and then I remembered that there were sketches there too, four pages of those. I will try to finish those this weekend. And I may do more arcade post transfers and procrastinate on figuring out the “div” thing in WordPress.

R-Type wiring diagram – Adding older monitor without isolation transformer

I am trying to make sense of how to wire up a spare monitor to my R-Type, so I can keep my Vision Pro before I sell the machine. The vision pro is a nice new monitor, and it also has an isolation transformer built onto the chassis. In the diagram below I have drawn what I already have, and how I am hoping to attach another monitor.

R-Type Attempted Wiring Diagram

Bob Roberts said this in two emails;

First Email –

You need a 1:1 isolation xformer to run your monitor. The pic you have is of power entrance with an auxiliary outlet & a switcher.

I don’t know if there are different versions of isolation transformers, and if the most common ones are 1:1, but right now, I am assuming the most common transformer is 1:1.

Second Email –

No… you can’t tie in to the AC in feed. You have to have the 1:1 output isolated & there is only one place with 2 terminals to hook that up to without regard to polarity since AC has none.

In the first email I thought I described that I would put an isolation transformer directly off the power supply, and then from the transformer I would run my two power lines. But knowing how crappy some of my emails are sometimes, I must not have done a good job explaining which is my bad.

His second email I take away that I need to have some sort of polarity based voltages, and AC doesn’t have that. Like, I would need +120V and -120V, and this is just +120V directly to the monitor.

It’s a gift that Bob even responded to my emails with an explanation, he sells parts, he isn’t a tech support guy or something. So again, a big thanks out to Bob Roberts and his big heart for helping the lowly collectors trying to figure things out.

I don’t understand the polarity part, so I am posting to the klov group to see if they can help me and explain it a different way.

Photos of Sega Pengo Isolation Transformer

Photos of the isolation transformer. Pretty old and crappy looking like most of these from the 80’s, but how it looks isn’t an indication of how it works. I just need to figure out what voltages are going in these wires from the Power Supply so I can tie in a switching power supply instead.

Sega Pengo Isolation Transforme Top Right ViewSega Pengo Isolation Transformer Front ViewSega Pengo Isolation Transformer Top ViewSega Pengo Isolation Transformer Far Right View

Progress on the WordPress Transfer

This weekend I finally finished the huge CSS Design section transfer, and also added in the Entertainment sections and have started piecing in the writeups in the comics section that Christine did over two years ago.

I am kind of delaying from working on the movies section, just because I know how huge it is, and how I want the graphics to transfer without issue. I have a feeling that will be difficult.

This weekend I won’t have much time to work on it at all, I might be able to finish the Christine section if I am lucky.