Archive for April, 2008

New Space Duel Sideart Progress

Quick post today with more progress on the Atari Space Duel sideart, a huge ship has been vectorized. Zorg has kept at this project, my guess would be that in about a month and a half we should see a finished product.

Atari Space Duel sideart progress


Cheyenne Sideart Scan Arrives!

Exidy Cheyenne Artwork Thumbnail
On Saturday I got a disk in the mail of the 600DPI scan of the NOS Cheyenne sideart that will be reproduced by This Old Game. There has been a lot of talk about this rare NOS piece of Exidy artwork at the Klov forums and who can make the most accurate reproductions. (more…)

Arcade Links for 2008-04-14

Spelman Barcade Party Indianapolis

This weekend, fellow arcade collector Robert / Brad Spelman (Madocowain) unveiled his brand new basement bar in style an arcade gaming party. Drinks were flowing, off key singing with Rock Band was plentiful, and the new arrangement of Brad’s awesome game collection saw a lot of play, especially the little ones played the upright games which was cool to see. (more…)

Play Pinball in Indianapolis, Indiana

Looking for locations around Indianapolis where you can play pinball? With my readers help, I am going to start listing pinball machines in and around Indianapolis. I don’t come across many in the wild on my day to day travels, but hopefully some of my visitors can submit locations in Indianapolis where you can play pinballs. (more…)

Donkey Kong 2 Marquee Films

For the legion of you out there who are really excited about Donkey Kong 2 and the complete “Make Your Own” artwork package being offered by This Old Game, here is a look at some of the initial films for the printing progress for the marquee. (more…)

Homestar Runner, Space Invaders on Scrubs, Mappy Marquees Running Low