Archive for December, 2008

Photos of the Star Wars Cockpit artwork films

As I write a separate post on the Star Wars Yoke overlay, I figured I might be best served to break out these photos into a separate, short post.

All of the pieces of artwork for the coveted Atari cockpit are here inside and out, including the scaled down artwork for the side of the cabinet and the marquee backglass. I don’t see the piece for Darth Vader, the largest piece of artwork for the cockpit, but I’m sure it’s there. (more…)

Prototype Paperboy lands in Ataricade

Three weeks ago it was a rare Red Baron prototype, and once again hard work and persistence pays off. The second of two known Paperboy prototypes is snatched up by Francis over at Ataricade. Delivered to his doorstep the biggest decision really became, what has to go? (more…)

No ads for a year at – Arcade Game Forum

Just a short note, and an exciting note I’ve been early awaiting to announce since last week.

We have a donor that offered to pay the first year of ad removal from – Arcade Game Forum. Awesome and generous donation, but one that speaks for the commitment to this MySpace like Social Network to take off. Logo


Help promote!

Tonight I finished what I anticipate will be the initial offering of banners, logos, and other promotional graphics for my new arcade game forum at I have tried to offering a quick smattering of graphics that collectors might desire to place on their own websites, but I am looking for feedback on what additional sized graphics, colored backgrounds, you would be looking for.

CoinOpSpace Promotional Banner


What’s new at the Arcade Forum website this week

I am just now starting to get back to some of your messages from thanksgiving, and I thought it might be prudent to talk a little bit about what has happened at over the last week. New groups, new members and a couple of new pieces to the design are some of the highlights. (more…)