Archive for March, 2009

Short update on the Cheyenne artwork project

This has been going on for a long time, hasn’t it? Last time I posted back in Sept. 2008, way I had a Cheyenne artwork update that basically said – no new news. In order for Brian Jones to print a set of this artwork, set = both sides, he needs scans of the left piece of sideart. I am sure by now, it’s probably disheartening to him that no one has offered to scan their cabinet. But we’ve heard consistent rumblings from guys that want to see this project done and a couple new developments have happened this week. (more…)

Mad Planets underlay artwork progress

I’ve had little bits of time here and there, some in the hospital, where I was able to work on vectorizing the Mad Planets artwork that is under the control panel facing forward, which I’m referring to as the ‘Underlay’ to keep it simple. However, with my $50 Mad Planets Craigslist deal last week, it appears that I don’t ‘have’ to finish this artwork. But I like the game enough that I may…. (more…)

Reproduction artwork interest – Kangaroo, Arabian, Tempest and Black Widow

Own a Kangaroo or Arabian arcade game? Francis M. is checking interest to see who might want to see some control panel overlays reproduced. The reproduction would be silkscreened, reproduced directly from scans of never applied overlays that he has access to use. Like any of these projects, this is a feeler and would take at least a pre-order of 5 pieces, probably more.

Arabian NOS CPO


Interesting Arcade Links – 2009-03-29

  • Gaplus, working for $250 – Kalamazoo MI Craigslist. Rare game, fair price, hard to come across complete – #
  • Rush the Rock cabinet for $100, Kalamazoo Michigan area Craigslist. Missing boards and monitor. Decent price. #

Up to 15% off artwork from month of April 2009

Update – 5.1.09 This sale has ended, hopefully some of you were able to save some money on reproduction artwork.

This past week Darin Jacobs approached me about doing an exclusive deal here at, arcade game blog. Due to some great sales numbers in February 2009 that then spilled over into March Darin thought it might be nice to say thanks to the collectors for all of their business. If you have been looking to get a piece of reproduction artwork for your arcade game for a good deal, now is the time. (more…)

Second Robotron cabaret prototype found in Illinois!

Last night Chris got to see a Robotron prototype in a cabaret cabinet. That was 12 hours ago, I called to check on the Mad Planets I bought for $50 and he told me that the game was being wheeled out. I was so starstruck that I was getting that Gottlieb classic for $50 that it has taken some simmering to really realize the big story that is this Robotron prototype. Granted, it took a little research, but now that I know that this Robotron is quoted as one of two that exist from Eugene Jarvis himself, I know this is a huge deal! (more…)

I bought an awesome Mad Planets for $50!

I’m still in shock, these things can transpire so quickly. Yesterday was a normal day, push through the leadership coursework, caught up with a couple of people, sit down in front of my computer and what do I have waiting in my RSS feeds? A Mad Planets for sale for $100 in Evanston on Craigslist. But the ad was posted at noon, surely it was gone by then. It wasn’t…and I even got it cheaper!

Mad Planets Marquee Lit Up
