Ms. Pac-man

Ms. Pac-man Yellow Finished

I’ll keep this short as I’ll go into more detail about the yellow stencil layer for my Ms. Pac-man when I continue the tutorial.

I spent just about all day (6+ Hours) working on this yellow artwork, and I am at the end of my rope. I had to have at least one side of the artwork to show, something to show for my day, so here is a photo of what the Ms. Pac kickplate looks like with the yellow laid down. (more…)

My Ms. Pac-man Stenciling Progress – 2nd Coat of Glidden Blue

Last night I talked a little bit about my priming experiences with my Ms. Pac-man cabinet. I had mentioned I had put down a pretty ugly first coat of Glidden blue.

I am proud enough of this second coat of blue on my Ms. Pac-man to show it off here today. Just got finished and really happy with a couple of things, mostly how well the second coat covered up my first thick streaky coat of the Glidden Rhapsody. (more…)

My Ms. Pac-man painting is moving along

Last time I had written about my Ms. Pac-man re-stenciling progress I had just finished patching my cabinet. The next major block was to figure out the spray gun factor and I have learned a lot over the last week or so. (more…)

My Ms. Pac-man Stenciling Progress

I wrote late in August that I had purchased a set of Ms. Pac-man stencils made from the joymonkey artwork pdf file. Before I had gotten the stencils I had completely disassembled my Ms. Pac-man machine, put the parts aside in the basement, took the cabinet outside and started to get ready to repaint it. (more…)

Ever seen a set of Ms. Pac-man Stencils?

I was lucky enough a number of weeks back to acquire a set of Ms. Pac-man stencils from a private collector for a good price. Surprise surprise, they were waiting for me when I returned from Toronto this past weekend. These vinyl stencils are based off of Joymonkey’s (Paul Murphy) Ms. Pac-man .pdf file that was released to Local Arcade a number of months back.

I don’t remember the exact price Paul was offering to make these stencils for people, but it was at his cost hoping to attract a little less attention from the copyright police. But even at cost, a set of stencils to redo the artwork on a Ms. Pac-man cabinet is very expensive, and now you’ll see why. (more…)

Stencil a Ms. Pac-man Cabinet – Part 3

In the last piece of the Ms. Pac-man cabinet stenciling tutorial, we learned about some of the tools necessary to properly apply paint, the costs for some of those items and how to effectively apply the paint to the cabinet.

The primer is done, and today we have the photos of the Glidden Blue Rhapsody applied to the Ms. Pacman. She is looking more like the classic all the time, check it out. (more…)

Stencil a Ms. Pac-man Cabinet – Part 2

Too long in between tutorials, and it is completely my fault. But its finally time for part two of the re-stenciling your Ms. Pac-man tutorial. Wundercade has primed and painted his Ms. Pac-man and the cabinet looks beautiful so far. Let’s jump right in, starting with the tools you will need. (more…)