Pac-Mania in Brazil Indiana?

At first glance, I thought that there was an original Pac-Mania for sale on Craigslist really close to me here in Indianapolis. If I wanted, for just $200 and an hour drive to Brazil I could pick this game up. But the listing made me look twice and laugh a little at the sellers naivety. (more…)

Small lot of arcade cabinets for sale

I’ve been in contact on and off with an individual in the area that has a small cache of arcade cabinets for sale. They moved out of the area, so coordinating with them has been difficult over the past two years. But I finally got some photos of what empty cabinets they have, four in total and three of them are Midway cabinets that were probably Pac-mans or Galagas at one time.

Indianapolis Arcade Cabinets For SAle


Spelman Barcade Party Indianapolis

This weekend, fellow arcade collector Robert / Brad Spelman (Madocowain) unveiled his brand new basement bar in style an arcade gaming party. Drinks were flowing, off key singing with Rock Band was plentiful, and the new arrangement of Brad’s awesome game collection saw a lot of play, especially the little ones played the upright games which was cool to see. (more…)

Arcade Collecting Indianapolis Page

A short note, I created a new Arcade Game Collecting in Indianapolis page for individuals and collectors looking to sell, buy, or collect arcade games. I want this classic video game collecting page to be as useful as possible, so please contact me with any suggestions about history of gaming in Indianapolis or other arcade game resources. Add a comment or email me if you have any that you think should be added to this list.

Filed under “About”, you can find the link permanently mentioned in the first couple of paragraphs.

Winter Indianapolis USAmusements Auction March 2008

The USAmusements auction had a much better showing for games this March than it appeared to have in January. We had a number of classics, including two Ms. Pac-man’s and a Galaga, but for me the main attractions were a really nice looking Williams Moon Patrol, complete but not working and a Super Pac-man Cocktail. (more…)

Popeye and Super Mario Brothers – A lucky score!

Late last week I had a voicemail from a guy who had seen one of my listings and said he had two games in his garage that he wanted to sell. He said he had a Popeye and what he called a “dual chip” Top Gun. He wasn’t able to provide photos unfortunately, so sight unseen I arranged for a truck and headed up to the northside of Indianapolis to see what he had. (more…)

Is Wagner Gameworks Closing?

Wagner Gameworks Logo

Wagner Gameworks (Doc Pinball) is one of two or three local arcade shops that I know of that build and service coin operated machines. But if you were to read his Craigslist posting this week, it seems as though he is going out of business. But Wagner is still doing business. Read on to see what inside information I know about whether his arcade shop is actually closing up shop or if his choice of wording was just exceptionally poor. (more…)