Archive for October, 2007

Board Cutting, Studying and Ocktoberfest

Paul was supposed to be over at 10 am to help me cut out a board to mount a monitor in the Tetris. He was on time on the dot.

I took us about an hour and a half, with all of the “try it again’s”, putting the board in the machine, and then putting the heavy old monitor through the opening to make sure it would fit. A lot of times we had to shave parts down, most of the extra cuts were to accommodate the screws on the sides of the monitor frame.

After Paul left, Sarah and I took Nokes on a walk. (Non Lifting day :)) We had a quick lunch when we got back and then started my day of focus. I studied for a good part of the day, two and a half hours to be exact. I would study for an hour and then take a break. An hour on, 20-30 minutes off. For breaks I would watch Scrubs, or play some Jr. Pac-man. I even chatted with Chris for a little while.

Sarah spent the day cleaning. She organized stuff in the family room, cleaned up the kitchen, did laundry, and kept reading the Harry Potter book. She is getting closer, I would say she is about half of the way through it, and I believe this is the last book. At about 4 pm she went out to the store to do some shipping, and get some food to make for tonight’s party. She didn’t get back until close to 6, apparently she had some problems. We worked together to try to get the cheesy potatoes made. The Revive part was at 6:30, but we didn’t get there until almost 8 pm I think.

Turnout was good for the event, mostly the regular crowd except for Emily who was home with her friend Sean for the weekend. She got a new car and we checked that out. But about half way into the party there was a mass exodus of about 5-6 people. The rest of us played a game of hearts and had a laugh until just before 11 when we all headed home.

I tried to watch some of the Rockies game when I got home. I saw Matt Holliday hit a 3-run homer that put Colorado within 1 run, but fell asleep and missed the whooping that Boston put on in the later innings.

Simpsonize Me – Sarah Rothe

Sarah Rothe as a Simpsons character

I never did post this, and saw it on my desktop this morning so I thought I would.

Here is Sarah’s version of herself that she did in August on the Simpsonize Me website. The dog is there only because we have a dog, you don’t really get choices with that. Otherwise, the rendition didn’t come out all that close. There may be some small features that are the same, but mine looks a lot closer that is for sure. My mom had a similar experience, I wonder if it truly was the women that had a harder time finding matches.

Friday’s are for relaxing

Sarah and I went to the gym right after work, for only the second time this week meaning we’ll have to go sometime this weekend.

When we got back, we both just chilled out. I made a quick post on the blog, and then I got to take a bath, it’s been awhile. I think I knew I had plenty to do, and had one of those overwhelming segments of time. I just tried to focus on what absolutely “had” to be done for tomorrow.

Sarah slept on the couch for most of the night. I played a little bit of Jr. Pac-man, but I also reviewed my online IUPUI app and figured out some things. Also canceled the Blockbuster account for a little while to help me focus and have one less distraction.

Then, it was out to the garage to dimension out the board we’d be cutting in the morning. This was the only necessary thing I had to have done by the morning. Paul was coming over fairly early and we were going to cut down that piece of plywood to fit in the Tetris cabinet and to mount the monitor in there. It took me over an hour to think through all of the cuts, it seemed like it too me too long for how complex it actually was.

I studied for only a half hour tonight, it was so late that I knew if I started before I went to bed it would be useless. Tomorrow I will be better.

Got photos of Circus Charlie Sideart

After about two months of follow up with a collector that had full sideart, late last week I got a series of decent photos that I can eventually use (when I clear my plate) to vectorize the sideart.

So, I took the time to vectorize the lettering, which was time consuming enough. Hope to have more to add to this section about Centuri / Konami’s Circus Charlie vector sideart soon.

Photos of the Professor Pac-man Sideart

Since I was so heavily involved with tracing some other pieces of Professor Pac-man artwork, Rick F. finally had some time to snap off some large and detail photos of the Professor Pac-man sideart. I have them in my possession, now if only time grew on trees. (more…)

Food Fight Kickplate – Bottom Left Corner

Vector Artwork of Food Fight Kickplate Lower Left Corner
Got some time to start on the vector Atari’s Food Fight kickplate artwork.

The colors don’t match obviously, I haven’t done any of that yet. Just getting the base artwork, which was fairly simple to vectorize. The dot pattern in the pie was the hardest part, and that may just be a smidegeon off, but is very close.

Jr. Pac-man marquee vectoring started!

The Jr. Pac-man marquee is much more than started, I am about three days worth of work in (Visit KLOV for my forum topic). I did the little ground hog first with the bird, then the paint cans and then the grass. I feel like I have done some of the more complicated stuff on the marquee first, or at least I hope so. This Jr. Pac-man piece of vector artwork has been a lot of work so far.

Jr. Pac-man Marquee Vector Artwork Progress

(This is the oversize marquee for the original game, like I have, not the condensed version that was in the conversion kits.)

The parts that have been a challenge so far has been, the color variations in the grass and the faded red on the paint bucket. My red was so faded that I could barely seen the manilla color differentiations on the white can. I did a best guess for now, and will check my work later. It is easy enough to change in this format.

I hope to do a little more later this week, but we’ll see. The end of the week is shaping up to be busy for a change.