Artwork Reproduction Policies

Looking to get a hold of a piece of Illustrator or raster artwork that I worked on for a specific arcade game? Read below on my policies concerning artwork distribution. After you have read over this information, please feel free to contact me.

Personal arcade projects

For the projects that are mine I am free to do with the artwork what I please. There is a ton of work wrapped up in each piece of artwork, therefore I don’t hand out artwork for free. But in certain circumstances I may be open to a trade of some sort for physical or intangible goods.

Contract arcade projects

The distribution of any piece of vector artwork that I did under contract is the decision of the original client. If you are interested in owning a copy make sure you contact them. If that person isn’t listed underneath the category, shoot me an email and I should be able to put you in touch with who contracted me for that particular project.

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