Easy How-To: Arcade cabinet black mold

Even four years into this crazy arcade game collecting hobby, I am still amazed at how many cabinets get some exposure to moisture. ‘Water Damage’ is an over used term that less savvy collectors use to describe cabinets with everything from mild swelling to wood particle board deterioration.

On Monday, I had to sit by and watch a cabinet sit in the rain and truly define ‘water damage’. (more…)

A Road Blasters cabinet that doubled as a shop sponge

I’ve been swamped, with a major project that takes 12-14 hours on average every day of the week. I hope to turn a corner on that soon. Now that summer is here, it appears that some arcade movement has started – that first movement might be more of a body shaking shutter, but every other game looks uphill from here. (more…)

Scary ugly Galaga Conversion sold in Indianapolis for $170

It’s hard as a collector to put aside the ingrained mindset of what certain classic games should look like. Recently a Galaga in a Frogger cabinet with a Willis Crystal Castles overlay sold for $170, just as much or more than both a nice looking Golden Tee / World Class Bowling sitting right next to it. (more…)

Anyone looking for a Taito Operation Wolf?

I have a line on a complete, more than likely not working Operation Wolf. If you haven’t seen the original dedicated cabinet before, check out the photos after the jump. Looking for someone who likes the game, has some space, and wants a deal / has an interesting trade locally to Indianapolis or surrounding cities. (more…)

Traded empty Jamma cabinet for a complete Atari Xevious

Just before we left for the Pinball Expo 2009 in Chicago, I had seen a post on RGVAC for a guy in Lafayette Indiana who was wanting to trade a complete Xevious for a different empty cabinet. Three weeks later and some leg work, we finally made the trade. (more…)

Sold my Pac-man. Heading back to Greenfield, IN

Slightly sad day I suppose. After a four months I finally sold my Pac-man today and funny enough, it’s headed back where it came – Greenfield, IN. It was my very first arcade game, but most collectors can related, eventually it comes down to space. (more…)