Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 7

It’s finally time. All the cabinet prepping, spraying down solid coats of primer and blue, your Ms. Pac-man cabinet is ready for the fun part, appling the artwork. It’s time to add the yellow, the largest artwork stencil and the most crucial as this will set the tone for the other two colors. We’ll also talk about what not to do, which yours truly managed to discover by experience 😉 (more…)

Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 5

In part 5 of the tutorial showing you how to re-stencil artwork on your own Ms. Pac-man, we talked through some of the misconceptions for those of you who have never done stenciled artwork before (like me). Now that we are through that text heavy portion, let’s move onto the photos showing how my taped up artwork looked following Brian Jones cabinet stenciling instructions. (more…)

Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 4

Finally! Part 4, it’s a miracle! Part 1-3 of the stencil a Ms. Pac-man tutorial was based on the work by a arcade game collector out West by the name of Donnie. However, from here on out the how-to’s will be written using the progress I have made on restoring my own Ms. Pac-man.

I am going to try to break the tutorials into smaller pieces, so let’s get started. At this point you have stripped, sanded, primed and painted the Glidden Blue on your Ms. Pac-man. The next step is to start to apply the vinyl stencils. It’s more time consuming than you might think. (more…)

Humpty Dumpty..Ms. Pac-man back together again

Finally, after a couple of weeks after moving her into the basement on Nov. 8th, I took a break today from design and online work to put my Ms. Pac-man back together. A thank you goes out to Chris Moore for the new t-molding. (more…)

Ms. Pac-man Copyright in Stencil File

I have had some questions about the copyright text in the Ms. Pac-man color separated stencil file. If you take a look really close, zoomed in to ant sized detail, the letters look like they were autotraced. and jagged. I don’t know how these were constructed, and not inferring anything at all with this information, just being informative.

Ms. Pac-man Copyright from Joymonkey File

(If you are one of the ill-informed individuals that wants to use an autotrace vector program of any sorts, this gives you a visual on the results no matter what you do.) So the question posed is, should I tape over the copyrights when I stencil and leave them out? Or leave the lettering in? Here is a photo comparison of what I got, you make your own decision. (more…)

Prologue – Stencil a Ms. Pac-man Arcade Cabinet

You’ve got a Ms. Pac-man that has seen better days and you’re considering the long path of re-stenciling the artwork. You’re lucky, a year ago finding a way to have stencils made for your cabinet was a long tiresome path. But after Paul Murphy released his Ms. Pac-man stencils file every person now has more of an opportunity to restore their cabinet. Take the file to the printer, pay for a set of 9 Ms. Pac-man stencils and you’re one step closer.

However, what are the real cost? And by real I mean, what are the monetary costs, and what are the time costs? How much are you willing to sacrifice to bring that Ms. Pac-man back. Now that I am done with my Ms. Pac-man I thought I would list out the items you’ll need and what you should expect to pay. Results will vary 😉 (more…)

Fixing stenciled overspray on arcade artwork – What is working for me

I have had some suggestions, some I take as fact based on the source and some I have just considered, all of them have been good. But tonight I feel like I have had success with a careful use of mineral spirits, a rag, and a detail paint brush to fix some of my ugly edges on the black Ms. Pac-man artwork. (more…)