Second Robotron cabaret prototype found in Illinois!

Last night Chris got to see a Robotron prototype in a cabaret cabinet. That was 12 hours ago, I called to check on the Mad Planets I bought for $50 and he told me that the game was being wheeled out. I was so starstruck that I was getting that Gottlieb classic for $50 that it has taken some simmering to really realize the big story that is this Robotron prototype. Granted, it took a little research, but now that I know that this Robotron is quoted as one of two that exist from Eugene Jarvis himself, I know this is a huge deal! (more…)

Prototype Paperboy lands in Ataricade

Three weeks ago it was a rare Red Baron prototype, and once again hard work and persistence pays off. The second of two known Paperboy prototypes is snatched up by Francis over at Ataricade. Delivered to his doorstep the biggest decision really became, what has to go? (more…)

Rare Atari Red Baron Prototype Changes Hands

It’s not news that there were a couple of Red Baron prototypes that were made before Atari settled on converting old Battlezones for their primary run of this vector game. However, doing a general search turns up little information on the Red Baron prototype beyond the fact that there have been about three spotted at one time or another.

One of those just changed hands earlier this month, into the welcoming arms of Francis Mariani at Ataricade. (more…)

Atari Cyberstorm Prototype Photos – Kinda

Seeing these ‘photos’ I kind of picture myself stumbling on some tiny little cardboard box in the back of Atari’s warehouse filled with old, faded, distressed photos. A little while back I had posted about an Atari Cyberstorm prototype on the west coast that the wife of an ex-Atari employee was looking to sell. I finally got some scans that look like they came right out of 1982.

Cyberstorm Prototype Marquee 1


Nutting & Associates Arcade Vector Prototype

On the way back from Troy’s arcade party on Saturday, Chris Moore and Bill Karkula got to rehashing some of the conversation towards the end of the night and Bill got to talking about some more of his experiences calling on some of the arcade manufacturers from 1983-1986. In particular he talked about visiting Dave Nutting’s location and sitting down in the prototype cockpit of a vector arcade game. Intrigued, Bill went on to talk a little bit more about the game, and this is the little snippet I found online. (more…)

Value of Atari Cyberstorm Prototype?

I received a message from an ex-wife of a former Atari employee out west who claims that she has an Atari prototype called Cyberstorm. Apparently her husband used to work for Atari and she is trying to figure out how much the game is worth and is trying to sell it. (more…)