Stencils to restore your Williams Bubbles arcade game coming soon?

That is something that was mentioned in passing tonight on Rick Ford said that he will be getting some vellum after Rich at This Old showed collectors that it is possible to manually trace (with a pencil) artwork on the side of a cabinet. Every collector wants to do it all so let’s hope that Rick follows through if not now sometime in early spring. (more…)

Tracing arcade game sideart to make stencils

Today at Rich at posted a blog entry about how to trace an arcade cabinet with some vellum and then take that tracing to final vector artwork. He goes through the whole process and has even suggested that he would send vellum to interested collectors so that more pieces of artwork can be reproduced. (more…)

Stencils to restore your Stern Scramble arcade game

In case you missed it over at, Rich Lint posted on a thread that he used some vellum to hand trace his Scramble cabinet, has vectorized the artwork and is now doing some test prints to check artwork accuracy. Very soon, accurate Scramble stencils could be available. (more…)

Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 7

It’s finally time. All the cabinet prepping, spraying down solid coats of primer and blue, your Ms. Pac-man cabinet is ready for the fun part, appling the artwork. It’s time to add the yellow, the largest artwork stencil and the most crucial as this will set the tone for the other two colors. We’ll also talk about what not to do, which yours truly managed to discover by experience 😉 (more…)

Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 6

In the last part of the Ms. Pac-man tutorial we taped up the stencil, positioned it and then removed the backing and smoothed the stencil to the cabinet. You can repeat this step for the other two sides, I will try to show photos of this later. Today, we’re going to look at removing the pre-mask on the sideart stencil and then taping up your cabinet for the yellow coat, finally! (more…)

Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 5

In part 5 of the tutorial showing you how to re-stencil artwork on your own Ms. Pac-man, we talked through some of the misconceptions for those of you who have never done stenciled artwork before (like me). Now that we are through that text heavy portion, let’s move onto the photos showing how my taped up artwork looked following Brian Jones cabinet stenciling instructions. (more…)

Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 4

Finally! Part 4, it’s a miracle! Part 1-3 of the stencil a Ms. Pac-man tutorial was based on the work by a arcade game collector out West by the name of Donnie. However, from here on out the how-to’s will be written using the progress I have made on restoring my own Ms. Pac-man.

I am going to try to break the tutorials into smaller pieces, so let’s get started. At this point you have stripped, sanded, primed and painted the Glidden Blue on your Ms. Pac-man. The next step is to start to apply the vinyl stencils. It’s more time consuming than you might think. (more…)