Jr. Pac-man vector marquee progress

Taken me longer than I thought, but I got through another vector piece of the oversize Jr. Pac-man marquee. I was going to go to the billboard behind Jr. Pac, but decided to Jr. himself.

Jr. Pac-man Marquee Vector Artwork Progress 4

The next piece of the vectorization process for the Jr. Pac-man marquee header will probably be the lamps, or something simple, like the blue ghost. The detail on Jr. was about what I figured, it wasn’t a breeze, but it wasn’t too hard to trace the lines either. It just took time.

I still hope to be the one person to have a whole set of artwork and produce it as a Jr. Pac-man kit to make your own machine, specifically for converting a Mappy into a Jr. Pac-man. But only time will tell.

Circus Charlie – Vectored Ringmaster

Vector Artwork of Circus Charlie Ringmaster
Today I started on vectorizing one of the Circus Charlie photos I straightened. The ringmaster artwork was fairly simple, and was one of the more clear photos I got.

The vector artwork will have to wait on the textured splatter effect on the colors. For now the colors are just solid. I would imagine eventually I will need to find a piece of NOS Circus Charlie sideart and get it scanned and use the scan for a raster effect.

Food Fight Chef on Kickplate finished

Vector Artwork of Food Fight White Hat Chef
Today I finished another piece of the Food Fight Kickplate vector artwork, tracing the white chef near the upper left corner of the kickplate. The vector artwork was simple, and a breeze to do. I think the next piece will probably be right top corner with the other watermelon slices, since I traced one slice already on the kickplate lower left corner.

I know this particular section of Food Fight artwork looks weird, but the chef is the only full piece I had. The photo had pieces of other fruits and vegetables, but nothing in full, including a pie. I will probably need a close up photo of just those artwork items.

Got photos of Circus Charlie Sideart

After about two months of follow up with a collector that had full sideart, late last week I got a series of decent photos that I can eventually use (when I clear my plate) to vectorize the sideart.

So, I took the time to vectorize the lettering, which was time consuming enough. Hope to have more to add to this section about Centuri / Konami’s Circus Charlie vector sideart soon.

Food Fight Kickplate – Bottom Left Corner

Vector Artwork of Food Fight Kickplate Lower Left Corner
Got some time to start on the vector Atari’s Food Fight kickplate artwork.

The colors don’t match obviously, I haven’t done any of that yet. Just getting the base artwork, which was fairly simple to vectorize. The dot pattern in the pie was the hardest part, and that may just be a smidegeon off, but is very close.

Jr. Pac-man marquee vectoring started!

The Jr. Pac-man marquee is much more than started, I am about three days worth of work in (Visit KLOV for my forum topic). I did the little ground hog first with the bird, then the paint cans and then the grass. I feel like I have done some of the more complicated stuff on the marquee first, or at least I hope so. This Jr. Pac-man piece of vector artwork has been a lot of work so far.

Jr. Pac-man Marquee Vector Artwork Progress

(This is the oversize marquee for the original game, like I have, not the condensed version that was in the conversion kits.)

The parts that have been a challenge so far has been, the color variations in the grass and the faded red on the paint bucket. My red was so faded that I could barely seen the manilla color differentiations on the white can. I did a best guess for now, and will check my work later. It is easy enough to change in this format.

I hope to do a little more later this week, but we’ll see. The end of the week is shaping up to be busy for a change.

Food Fight Kickplate Photos

Here is most of what I got. I took some time today to straighten them, getting them ready to start the overall artwork.

I have that one good shot of the whole kickplate, and then closeups of a bunch of the individual objects. I am sure I’ll need more as I go along, but some good Food Fight shots to start either way.

Food Fight Kickplate Photos